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iGaming Academy Ltd (the “Company” / “IGA”) understands the importance of your personal data and how it is used and shared online and according to the agreements entered into with IGA.

This privacy notice explains how IGA collects your personal data, the types of personal data IGA may collect about you, why IGA needs it, what IGA does with it, how long IGA keeps it, and what your rights are with regards to data processing.

This notice relates to both personal data that IGA has collected themselves or acquired for its use, as well as data which has been provided to IGA by its clients and which IGA uses to provide a service.

When IGA determines the purpose and means of processing of personal data collected, they are considered the data controllers. When Personal data is collected and processed by IGA on behalf of their clients who determine the purpose and means of processing IGA acts as a data processor.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR or Regulation) and other applicable legislation IGA is required to comply with data protection including procedures so as to ensure that your data is safeguarded at all times and processed in manner that your rights are protected.

IGA is committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your personal data. IGA will not disclose your information to any other company or institution apart from the cases when the disclosure is required to meet IGA legal or compliance obligations. IGA will only use such information to provide you with its services and keep you updated.

IGA encourages you to read carefully this Privacy Policy and make sure that you understand it. Prior to submitting an enquiry or engaging IGA for its services you shall be requested to read and accept this Privacy Policy.


How IGA collects your personal data

IGA may collect your personal data when you:

  • Visit IGA website
  • Contact IGA by phone or email
  • Engage with IGA on social media
  • Sign any of IGA service/product contracts
  • Access IGA eLearning platforms
  • Fill out any form of information (eg. booking for eLearning courses online)

*IGA may have your data from public sources prior to 1st May 2018.


What personal data IGA collects

iGaming Academy is a data processor of the personal data its clients (its client and data controller) provide IGA with and of which IGA clients determine the purpose and means of processing.

To create your account on IGA e-learning platform, IGA usually requires the following data as a minimum: first name, last name, email address. In addition to these fields, IGA corporate clients may want to provide IGA with additional data to enable the production of more informative management reports such as Line manager email, Division / Business unit/ Cost Centre, Department, Office location, Job role, Status.

IGA holds a minimum of basic staff employment information as the following:

  • Your First and Last Name
  • Your company name
  • Your Work Email
  • Your Job Title
  • Work Location
  • Your Cost Centre
  • Your Department
  • Your Line Manager Name
  • Your Line Manager Email

When you visit IGA website, the following information will automatically be processed and this solely for the use of IGA:

  • The requested web page or download;
  • Whether the request was successful or not;
  • The date and time when you accessed the site;
  • The Internet address of the website or the domain name of the computer from which you accessed the site;
  • The operating system of the machine running your web browser and the type and version of your web browser and other similar security features which are used for authentication purposes and account access.

IGA does not collect any?Special Categories of Personal Data?about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health and genetic and biometric data). Nor do IGA collects any information about criminal convictions and offences.

IGA is a Data controller and processor of the personal data its clients provide IGA with, in relation to billing processes. IGA collects the following types of personal data from IGA clients in order provide them with an invoice and gather payment for services provided, therefore acting as data controllers and processors by which IGA determines the means and purpose for the personal data collected:

  • Your EU VAT details
  • Contact details of your accounts department (Company name, Company address, Key contact: name, surname, designation, telephone number & email address)


Why IGA needs it

IGA collects data to operate effectively to provide you with the best experience of our products and services.? IGA collects and processes the personal data for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes.

We will only contact you on what we believe is your work email and phone number strictly in your capacity as a representative, decision maker or influencer for your employer. We do not seek to market any services to you in your personal capacity. In certain situations, we may also process personal data with the consent of the individual is concerned.

We need your personal data:

  • to establish and fulfil a contract with you, for example, if you enter into an agreement to provide or receive services. We require this information to enter into a contract with you and are unable to do so without it;
  • to maintain an effective communication channel with you throughout the execution of a service/job, to manage our relationship with you as our customer and to improve our services and enhance your experience with us in the future;
  • to respond, with your express consent, to any comments or complaints we may receive from you, and/or in accordance with our legitimate interests including to investigate any complaints received from you or from others, about our website or our products or services;
  • to personalise (i) our communications to you; provide you with (ii) updates on any services/products we are providing you with (iii) updates on any jobs where your services may be required; and (iv) products or services for you, in accordance with our legitimate interests;
  • to protect iGaming Academy’s legitimate business interests and legal rights, including but not limited to, use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory and investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation);
  • to monitor any customer account to prevent, investigate and/or report fraud, terrorism, misrepresentation, security incidents or crime, in accordance with applicable law and our legitimate interests
  • to receive payment for any products/services provided

Where applicable and allowed, you have been given an opportunity to opt-out of electronic communications at any time by following the instructions in the relevant communication.


What IGA does with personal data ?

Your personal data is processed in IGA office in St. Julians located in Malta. Hosting and storage of your data takes place on dedicated servers of our service providers located in the EU.

IGA may also share your personal data with the below third parties:

  • Any regulatory authority or statutory body pursuant to a request for information or any legal obligation which applies to IGA
  • Parties who process personal data on IGA behalf which may include; IT support, Storage service providers including cloud and billing companies
  • IGA professional advisors such as our auditors, educational consultants and external legal and financial advisors
  • Marketing and communications agencies where they have agreed to process your personal data in line with this Privacy Notice

No other third-party providers have access to your data, unless specifically required by law.


Data Protection

IGA uses reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of any and/or all Personal Data that IGA may process relating to its clients and regularly review and enhance its technical, physical and managerial procedures so as to ensure that your Personal Data is protected from:

  • unauthorised access
  • improper use or disclosure
  • unauthorised modification
  • unlawful destruction or accidental loss

To this end IGA has implemented security policies, rules and technical and organisational measures to protect the Personal Data that IGA processes on behalf of its clients. All IGA members, staff and sub data processors (including specific subcontractors, including cloud service providers established within the European Union), who may have access to and are associated with the processing of Personal Data, are further obliged (under contract) to respect the confidentiality of data subject’s Personal Data as well as other obligations as imposed by the Data Protection Laws.


How long IGA keeps personal data

As data processors on behalf of its clients:

Under Maltese law, IGA is required to keep your documents according to your (IGA client) Data Retention Policy. After this period, your personal data will be irreversibly destroyed. Any personal data held by IGA for marketing, service update notifications and requests for services or products required by iGaming Academy, will be kept until such time that you notify IGA that you no longer wish to receive this information.

IGA will not retain your data for longer than you (IGA client) stipulate.

IGA will keep your information for the length of any contractual relationship you have with IGA and after that for a period of 10 years due to fiscal laws that impinge on iGaming Academy. In cases of legal issues, these are retained until the relevant court case is resolved.

As data controllers:

Under Maltese law, IGA is required to keep your documents according to IGA Data Retention Policy. After this period, your personal data will be irreversibly destroyed. Any personal data held by IGA for marketing, service update notifications and requests for services or products required by iGaming Academy, will be kept by us until such time that you notify IGA that you no longer wish to receive this information.

IGA will not retain your data for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose it is being processed for. To determine the appropriate retention period, IGA considers the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the purposes for which IGA processes it and whether IGA can achieve those purposes through other means.

IGA will keep your information for the length of any contractual relationship you have with IGA and after that for a period of 10 years due to fiscal laws that impinge on iGaming Academy. In cases of legal issues, these are retained until the relevant court case is resolved.

Where you are a?prospective customer?and you have expressly consented to IGA contacting you, IGA will only retain your data (a) until you unsubscribe from IGA communications; or, if you have not unsubscribed, (b) while you interact with IGA and IGA content; or (c) for?12 months?from when you last interacted with IGA. In the case of any contact you may have with IGA?team, IGA will retain those details for as long as is necessary to resolve your query and for?2 weeks?after the query is closed.

Where you are a service/product provider IGA will keep your information for the length of any contractual relationship you have with IGA and after that for a period of 10 years due to fiscal laws that impinge on iGaming Academy. In cases of legal issues, these are retained until the relevant court case is resolved.

Where you are a prospective service provider and you have expressly consented to IGA contacting you IGA will retain your data (a) until you unsubscribe from IGA communications; or for?24 months?from when you last interacted with IGA. In the case of any contact you may have with IGA?team, IGA will retain those details for as long as is necessary to resolve the query and for?2 weeks?after the query is closed.


Your data rights

As an individual, you may exercise your right to access your personal data held about you by IGA by submitting your request in writing.

Should you believe that any personal data IGA holds on you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the ability to request to see this information, rectify it or have it deleted (where the continued use of that data cannot be justified), please contact our Data Protection Officer at?[email protected].

Where you have consented to IGA using your personal data, you can withdraw that consent at any time. However, please note that IGA may continue to retain, or otherwise use your personal information thereafter where they have a legitimate interest or a legal or contractual obligation to do so.

In the event that you wish to complain about how IGA has handled your personal data, please contact IGA DPO, in writing, [email protected]?or at St George’s Business Complex, Ground Floor, Elija Zammit Street, St.Julians, STJ 3151, Malta. IGA DPO will then look into your complaint and work with you to resolve the matter.


Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages. iGaming Academy uses cookies to understand how its sites are used which helps IGA to improve your overall online experience. Some of the cookies IGA uses are necessary for some of our sites to work whilst other cookies are used to provide tailored advertising by trusted third parties.

If you’d prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from iGaming Academy and its third-party advertisers, or any other website, you can use your browser to do this. Each browser is different, so check the ‘Help’ menu of your particular browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences. If you choose to disable all cookies, we cannot guarantee the performance of our websites and some features may not work as expected.


Data breach

When IGA learns of a suspected or actual personal data breach, IGA shall perform an internal investigation and take appropriate remedial measures in a timely manner. Where there is any risk to your rights and freedoms, IGA shall notify the relevant Supervisory Authorities without undue delay and, when possible, within 72 hours from when IGA learns of such breach.


Governing law

This Privacy Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Malta and relevant EU legislation. In the event of any conflict between this Policy and applicable laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

IGA may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in response to changing legal, technical and/or business development. If there are any changes to this Privacy Policy, IGA will replace this page with an updated version. When IGA updates this Privacy Policy, IGA shall take appropriate action and inform you accordingly by a Privacy Notice consistent with the significant changes we would have made.


iGaming Academy Privacy Notice Version 2.0 – 2023