jili games free play,Enjoy Free 888+200 Daily Legal Bonus https://www.manufacturer-exporters.com/tag/bespoke/ High quality training courses, eLearning and masterclasses for iGaming and online gambling professionals in jurisdictions worldwide Wed, 19 May 2021 12:56:43 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.manufacturer-exporters.com/app/uploads/2018/10/Fav_Icon-100x100.png Bespoke | iGaming Academy https://www.manufacturer-exporters.com/tag/bespoke/ 32 32 Why Customisation Matters: The Top 4 Benefits Of Bespoke Training https://www.manufacturer-exporters.com/why-customisation-matters-the-top-4-benefits-of-bespoke-training/ Tue, 18 May 2021 11:26:26 +0000 https://www.manufacturer-exporters.com/?p=9131 The post Why Customisation Matters: The Top 4 Benefits Of Bespoke Training appeared first on iGaming Academy.


by?Lara Gail Dougall

Content Manager

Often,?we’re asked: ‘should?we?customise?our?eLearning?’ , but the real question you should be asking is, ‘Why?aren’t?we customising our eLearning?!”?

Although iGaming Academy’s?Off-The-Shelf?courses provide a complete eLearning solution,?what better way is there of ensuring that your training material?caters for?your?company’s specific needs?than customising your?training content??

Customised?eLearning?content?gives?the impression that it takes?up more Company resources?–? time?and money –?though?there are many benefits gained?from?customising your?courses.?

At times it is?custom?developed?content?that?helps?you explore new ideas on how to keep within your business?goals?and tailor learning specifically for the needs of your employees,?offering a more?tailored?training?based?on the specific situations of your business.?

This allows you to?train your staff?through?highly interactive?modules with your employees’ needs?in mind;?your?Company can use this as a platform to address specific pain points and real-world company-approved solutions.?A?customised?course?will help you address performance gaps and address specific roles / skills that are most relevant to?your business at its current state, helping you to retain employees.??

Here are?4?benefits?of customising your?eLearning:??

1. Personalisation?specific to your business?

This allows you to?tailor your eLearning?with your team’s needs in mind by giving engaging?real-world?scenarios?to address specific problems that your business might face. Some problems are company-specific and it’s important that?your?training?is?tailored?accordingly.?You can even tailor?your?scenario?solutions?to?align?to?your Company’s policies and procedures.????

2. Brand?Alignment?

Customisation of eLearning enables you to include your own branding, design,?and tone of voice to make the training experience uniquely yours. It will help you?strengthen your identity,?integrate your business values within your learning, making it more effective?for?staff, and in turn more relatable as they recognise and identify with what they see.??

3. Competitive?Edge?

Having customised?eLearning content can?be your?Company’s?unique selling point with new?customers?& employees,?proving that you put in the effort to engage your staff by offering tailored learning?experiences?covering situations that they face on a daily basis.?It will engage staff taking the course and?help them?retain the information.?

4. Continued Engagement??

Customising your?eLearning can be an exercise in?offering?ongoing support to your employees to ensure that they are aligned to your?Companies’?values?and that their knowledge is refreshed to?create synergy,?consistency,?and up-to-standard performance at your company.??

Customising your?eLearning courses?gives you the?opportunity?to?align your training with your?Company values and identity. As you take control over the content you are presenting to staff, you can optimise?your course?in a way to help captivate their attention and retain the information.?iGaming Academy?gives?you the means of offering your employees an?immersive and effective learning experience motivating them to improve their performance and deliver according to your excellence standards.??

Reach out to discuss your?Company’s options today. Contact us, so that we can discuss the best option for your?training?needs.??

The post Why Customisation Matters: The Top 4 Benefits Of Bespoke Training appeared first on iGaming Academy.

Adaptive Training: How To Calibrate Training To Learners’ Existing Knowledge https://www.manufacturer-exporters.com/adaptive-training-how-to-calibrate-training-to-learners-existing-knowledge/ Tue, 10 Mar 2020 16:15:21 +0000 https://www.manufacturer-exporters.com/?p=6811 The post Adaptive Training: How To Calibrate Training To Learners’ Existing Knowledge appeared first on iGaming Academy.


Cut to the content that fills learners’ knowledge-gaps and you’ll save time, money and frustrations.? Learn how an ‘adaptive’ approach can tailor training to learners’ level and experience.

Learning can be a joyful experience. But when employees are made to re-learn topics they already know well, there’s often little joy to be found.

In fact, for time-pressed executives, managers and leaders – the learning experience can be incredibly frustrating when its seen to be covering old ground. Training that is un-tailored and poorly pitched, offers little of value for the learner and can even be demotivating.

And yet, training is needed more than ever if we are to keep pace with our fast-evolving industry.

The online gambling industry is constantly evolving: management best practice changes and develops; new technologies disrupt markets bringing innovation and efficiency; and regulators pre-empt or adapt, introducing legislation.

These are just some of the reasons why ongoing training is essential in today’s world. Such training can ensure we remain compliant and follow best practice.

So how do you train, and re-train, without alienating experienced learners?

Start By Listening To Learner Resistance

When setting up training programmes, it’s normal to face resistance from learners. Often it boils down to two main reasons:

Time Pressure – “I just don’t have time right now”

Existing Knowledge – “I have been doing this for many years, I know my stuff!”

The response? Usually, those responsible for delivering training spend time explaining the importance of such training and/or reminding learners of their obligation to complete the training.

Whilst this might lead to the desired outcome – namely, learners taking the training – it is far from ideal, as frustrations have not been addressed.

Given the same scenario, the concept of Adaptive Training can be applied to achieve a more optimal outcome for all.

Introducing Pre-Assessments & Adaptive Training

To tackle resistance whilst emphasising the importance of ongoing training, iGaming Academy now offers two solutions.

Pre-Assessments: Prior to beginning training, these optional tests give learners a chance to prove their mastery of a topic. Material is challenging, ensuring a high standard of understanding.

Adaptive Training: Based on the Pre-Assessment result, training adapts based on proven knowledge, delivering tailored content that concentrates only on the learner’s knowledge gaps.

If the learner opts to take the Pre-Assessment and passes, they will be asked to complete a tailored version of the training which focuses on:

  • Legislative updates
  • Best Practice
  • Areas of primary importance for the business

Those who fail or who opt not to take the Pre-Assessment will instead be asked to take the full interactive training course.

The Results: Training That Adds Value

Adaptive Training is designed to add just what is needed for a learner, rather than overlaying ‘previously secured’ knowledge. By eliminating unnecessary repetition, learners can spend their valuable time focussing on new and important content.

Businesses benefit from Adaptive Training by:

  1. Ensuring focus on need-to-know information
  2. Saving their employees time (and frustration!)

Try adopting an ‘adaptive’ approach into your next training initiative.

Explore iGaming Academy’s training solutions today: We offer training services for new and existing employees, including compliance training that’s updated as regulations involve. www.manufacturer-exporters.com/business

The post Adaptive Training: How To Calibrate Training To Learners’ Existing Knowledge appeared first on iGaming Academy.
