It’s conference season and swarms of iGaming professionals have been flocking towards notable conferences.?This is a great opportunity to connect with potential business contacts and strengthen existing relationships. With innovation and networking at the forefront, the upcoming season promises to be a dynamic platform for exchanging ideas, exploring new opportunities, and staying ahead in the ever-evolving iGaming landscape.

Apart from understanding the upcoming business trends and where regulation is taking us, most conference-goers prioritised the networking opportunities at these conferences because it’s where they make new business connections which might lead to future business.

But what do you do with all of your collected contact cards once the bar calls the last drink order at that final networking party?

I consider myself somewhat of a social butterfly at conferences, and here are my top 3 expert hints to turn that contact card into a business opportunity.


Always follow up with a new contact

The first thing’s first – confirm that contact by reaching out to them, and continue that business discussion whether through email or socials. That way you’d confirm whether there is still a want to do business from both sides.

Expert Hint: If you can’t remember the specifics of that particular conversation, reach out to your new contact and ask for a brief of their expertise and how you can help each other grow your respective businesses.

Compile & Communicate

Collect your notes in bullet points and present them to your team at that next meeting. Check whether anyone else had conversations with that person and explain what you spoke about.

Expert Hint: Keep a note of all of the main discussion points when sharing contact information. You can do this by putting keywords on that person’s business card or taking down some notes on your main discussion points on your phone’s notes app.

Assign and Act

Speak to your team to understand who the best person to take a business contact forward within your company is and whether it falls within their business scope.

Expert Hint: Make the necessary introductions right away, adding any website or blog links to that person to give enough context of how you think that new contact can help your business grow. Just because it’s your contact, it doesn’t mean you can’t share!

Networking is the best part of conferences; it breaks up our daily routine and helps us come up with new business ideas to bring forward to our teams. Ultimately, having a follow-up system in place can help you justify attending the next conference!

Author: Lara Gail Dougall, Senior eLearning Manager

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